Organizational Management. The role of the CTO in fast-growing companies

Imagine the company as a dynamic ecosystem in which every element plays a very important role in ensuring sustainability. In such an environment, innovation is not just a trendy term, but a force that drives growth. At the heart of this ecosystem are leaders – visionaries who can see potential where others see obstacles. They are the ones who shape the culture of innovation, creating a space where creativity can flourish. In fast-growing companies, the role of the CTO (Chief Technology Officer) is of particular value. The CTO not only manages the IT infrastructure, but also inspires the team to think outside the box. The CTO is the architect of innovation, building bridges between technology and business strategy.

In this article, we will take a closer look at how to build a culture of innovation in an organization, what qualities distinguish effective leaders, and how a CTO can become a catalyst for change in fast-growing companies. Let’s discover the most important principles of effective organizational management!

How to build and maintain an organizational culture that promotes innovation

As I mentioned, we will be looking at how to promote company innovation. But first, let’s consider whether it will be equally important in every company. I dare say no, because technology companies are, by their very definition, innovative and seek to grow using new technologies.

This is why instilling a culture of innovation is particularly important in non-technological organizations. It’s also worth adding that, from the consumer’s point of view, it’s important that, in fact, every company invests in innovative solutions. Why? Because it has many benefits from doing so. First of all, a company that is open to innovation can cut costs on an ongoing basis and take advantage of the newer solutions available on the market, which are improved every year.

An example is the technological solutions offered by explitia, which offers manufacturing companies a consulting program where each CTO can count on support at the stage of introducing a culture of innovation or forming the right attitude towards new technologies in the organization.

Key tasks of leaders in managing teams

Who doesn’t dream of seeing their company grow! However, not everyone is aware that with the growth of an organization comes new challenges. Pile six, if the company’s enlargement goes hand in hand with an increase in revenue and maintaining margins at the set level, well, because this allows the company to grow even better naturally. Worse if that doesn’t happen.

So the CTO faces a big challenge to make sure that there is the right balance between the different departments, especially between the departments responsible for delivery, i.e. delivering a service or product to the customer, and sales and customer care or management and business development. For the reason that when a company grows too fast, if there is a high demand for its products or services, it is the delivery department that is naturally invested in (in the case of technology companies, therefore, it often invests in engineers, programmers). On the other hand, by focusing on this one aspect of the business, human resources in other sectors are not consciously scaled. Hence, there is a large disparity between people who generate indirect costs, i.e. precisely all kinds of leaders, managers, administrative staff and delivery department employees.

If we are talking about very rapid growth of a company, that is, when, for example, an organization grows by 100% in a few months, a lot of organizational chaos ensues. Suddenly, new people come on board, whose number outgrows the people in charge of the business, as a result of which the leaders are unable to adequately prepare the new employees, while at the same time no new people are hired to relieve them. Of course, it is insanely important for the leader of the organization to set the direction, to show why we take certain actions, why we come to work every day, what we want to achieve. On the other hand, in a fast-growing company, it is even more important to avoid organizational chaos by scaling departments appropriately – this is an absolute cornerstone of organizational management.

The role of the CTO in maintaining the right balance in the organization

The role of the CTO in maintaining the right balance between introducing new technologies and maintaining operational stability is huge. The chief technology officer has certain tools with which he can impose certain kinds of trends, related, for example, to the automation of given tasks or certain operations. In other words, he can speed up and slow down recruitment in areas where this innovation either cannot keep up or is unable to fill organizational gaps.

Of course, this also depends on what kind of organization we are dealing with. However, the CTO, who is up to date, also has the support of others in this mission of the organization, has a very strong influence on the organization and procedures, above all in these recruitment activities, simply to strengthen this recruitment in some areas, well, and in some areas the opposite.

Let me go back to my metaphor. If we look at a company as a dynamic ecosystem, in which every element is crucial for sustainable growth and the CTO acts as an architect of innovation, we can see how great the role of the chief technology officer is in managing the organization. In fast-growing companies, the CTO not only controls the IT infrastructure, but also shapes the business strategy, inspiring the team to think outside the box. Skillfully introducing new technologies while maintaining operational stability allows the company to grow in a controlled manner, minimizing the risk of organizational chaos. Is it worth it? I’ll leave you with this question.

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