Digital product passport – is it worth thinking about now?

Did you know that a digital product passport could be a necessity for the food industry in a few years? What is the said digital product passport? How to prepare for it? I invite you to read the article.

Digital product passport – explanation of the concept

A digital product passport is a set of information contained in a QR code. Once scanned (without the need for internet access), the recipient receives detailed product data. This can include such information as: 

The more detailed the information, the greater the company’s transparency and consumer confidence. After all, imagine a counter that provides more detailed information about the production process that confirms this manufacturing quality. This reassures the consumer that they are buying a quality product with an expiration date that matches the information on the packaging. 

What is product traceability?

The more extensive the supply chain is and the more intermediaries are involved in the product manufacturing process, the more important product traceability becomes at each stage. In the automotive industry, supply chains are very complex and dispersed, involving many subcontractors. In the food or chemical industry, product traceability is often a legal or distribution requirement. However, traceability can also satisfy customer needs and be the first step to implementing a digital product passport.

Product traceability – manual access to data

The manufacturer is responsible for the quality of its goods, implementing various control processes. Traceability data is collected in every manufacturing plant, but it is often not automated. Currently there is no requirement to have them in relational databases or subject them to automated standards. If a manufacturer sells to a wholesaler, it should document how the goods were produced, but this documentation is often in paper form. 

It is worth noting that this documentation is not given to the consumer, the consumer relies solely on trust in the brand when making a purchase 

Automatic product traceability

If a manufacturing plant has a system for automatically collecting data from the production process, all this information is stored in a database and can be shared:

Product traceability and digital product passport – benefits

Product traceability and a digital product passport are ways to gain a competitive advantage. If a company meets all quality standards, making the information available to the consumer is proof of credibility and transparency. This is an element that can be used effectively in a marketing campaign.

It is worth noting that every year consumers are becoming more aware and demanding. They expect more and more knowledge about the product they are buying. Recipients want to be sure that they are choosing a quality product. That’s why companies that have product traceability systems can gain a real advantage by providing data for a digital product passport.

Digital product passport – application example 

Imagine a situation where we buy yogurt at a neighborhood store. We scan the QR code on the package and get access to detailed information about the pasteurization process, including a chart of quality standards. At the end, a message appears: “Thank you for choosing our product. It was produced according to the highest quality standards. Enjoy!”

Product traceability and digital product passport – first steps

To think about implementing a digital product passport, it makes sense to start with a traceability system. Even if you don’t plan to share this information with customers at first, it’s worth having it for internal quality control. Traceability helps document processes, automate checking of quality standards, control production quantities and avoid packaging mix-ups. Data from machines and sensors is the basis for developing a digital product passport system. This is the most cost-effective approach when combined with the implementation of a finished product traceability system.

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