

In addition to hosting my own podcast and public speaking, I also enjoy giving interviews and guesting on other projects.

I am happy to share practical experience and discuss the challenges facing the industry today. 

During my talks, I cover topics related to the development of modern technologies, including AI and IoT, the digitization of manufacturing plants, digital transformation and the concept of Industry 4.0.

I also enjoy discussing cyber security, change management, automation and digitization of business processes. I am also no stranger to the topics of digital product passport, traceability, sustainability (ESG) and technology consulting, especially in relation to IT implementations.

jaktestowac pl


In the podcast, we discussed how digital transformation affects quality – both in the software area and in production.

I touch on issues related to digitization, digitalization and requirements management in large IT systems.

During the conversation, I also share my experiences working for industry and the challenges that arise at the intersection of technology, business and the human factor.

See episode
Wywiad na temat cyfryzacji, testowania, UX/UI oraz automatyzacji zakadów produkcyjnych i
w biznesie.



During the recording, we talked about the role of CTOs in companies, the impact of AI on the delivery department, and the challenges of managing IT teams.

Together we analyzed the technological and management challenges emerging in modern organizations.

We also touched on the replacement matrix and its importance, as well as the role of soft skills in the era of artificial intelligence.

See episode
Adrian Stelmach i Cezary Zajkowski w rozmowie na temat strategii firm IT, roli CTO i wpływie AI

ERP Academy


In this interview, we talk about – the impact of AI on the labor market and the economy.

Will artificial intelligence actually replace humans at work? How are jobs changing?

How to prepare for the changes and what competencies to develop? Where do unsuccessful ERP implementations come from and how to avoid them?

During the talk, we analyze the real challenges and changes that are already shaping the IT industry and the future of the labor market.

See episode
Wywiad na temat nowych technologii w biznesie, w tym AI, rynku pracy oraz zawodach związanych z MES i ERP.

Adam Smialek


During the talk we look at the digital transformation and the history of the four industrial revolutions.

How manufacturing technologies have changed over the years and where we are today – check it out!

See episode
Historia czterech rewolucji przemysłowych – Adrian Stelmach z explitia i Adam Śmiałek



In the podcast, we talked about the top 5 myths associated with buying new technology. I talked about implementation challenges, traceability, product passport and technology change management.

I also shared practical tips on market competition, hidden costs of solution implementation and team leadership.

See episode
Adrian Stelmach w wywiadzie dla Leancast – DPP, traceability i zakup nowej technologii.

Wiktor Doktor


While participating in the BSS Without Secrets podcast, I had the opportunity to talk about the role of artificial intelligence in modern business services. We started with the basics – what AI really is and what it consists of, and then moved on to specific applications and challenges.

In the episode, I also talk about language models, data quality, IoT and cyber security. There are also predictions related to the future of artificial intelligence in business.

See episode
Wywiad dla BSS Bez Tajemnic - Wiktor Doktor. Adrian Stelmach w rozmowie o AI

SN Accounts - Polish Accountant in the UK


In this episode, I had the opportunity to talk about digital transformation, i.e. how modern technologies can replace manual processes, eliminate errors and significantly improve business efficiency.

I also highlighted the benefits of introducing automation, and touched on the successful implementation of technology in manufacturing plants.

I also shared my experience of working with companies that have become more competitive in international markets thanks to advanced IT and AI systems.


See episode
Wywiad na temat transformacji cyfrowej w zakładach produkcyjnych oraz płynących z niej korzyści.

Opex Nexus


During the interview, we talked about digitization, issues related to resistance to technology, digitization and automation.

See episode
Adrian Stelmach w wywiadzie o digitalizacji dla Lean Six Sigma od Kuchni



Together with the host of the Dr-Ecommerce channel , I had the opportunity to talk about business performance, digital transformation, digitalization and sustainability.

I also shared my experience working at explitia and answered questions about optimizing companies and managing change.

See episode
Adrian Stelmach w rozmowie o nowoczesnych technologiach, firmie explitia i cyfryzacji przemysłu

Value Based Consulting


During the recording of the podcast, I had the opportunity to talk about digitalization in manufacturing companies, the digital twin, and how to effectively implement new technologies and processes in organizations.

We also touched on topics related to communication, change management, and mistakes when purchasing IT systems. I also shared my experiences with digital transformation in industry.

See episode
Jak rozwijać firmę? Wywiad dla Value Based Consulting na temat digitalizacji przemysłu.

Pawel Lewinski Agilelabs: Scrum & Kanban


During the webinar, I discussed the process of purchasing and implementing IT systems in manufacturing companies, paying particular attention to agile methodologies and implementation best practices.

I also share experiences from implementing a system for the FBI, and examples of manufacturing problems that IT implementation can help with.

See episode
Adrian Stelmach podczas wywiadu o transformacji cyfrowej i Przemyśle 4.0

Competence Development Academy


During the interview, we talked about the informatization of industry and the challenges and benefits of it.

We also touched on the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on business and the labor market, mistakes associated with the implementation of IT systems in manufacturing, and how to start the digitization process.


See episode
8.	Adrian Stelmach wyjaśnia, jak automatyzacja zwiększa efektywność przedsiębiorstw

Monika Skrodzka


In this episode we talked about many aspects of modern business – marketing, relationship building and safety in the industry.

We also analyzed the role of new technologies in optimizing production and the impact of digitalization on the competitiveness of companies.

See episode
Adrian Stelmach omawia wyzwania wdrożeniowe w digitalizacji firm produkcyjnych

Quadrant On Production.


In the interview, we covered topics related to the use of ERP and MES systems and the differences between them.

During the interview, we look at the real challenges of manufacturing companies and the practical aspects of implementing modern IT systems.

See episode
Rozmowa o zarządzaniu zmianą i automatyzacji procesów biznesowych

New Generation Sales


During the interview, we discussed the current state of digitization of Polish industry.

We analyzed how companies are implementing automation and what challenges manufacturing companies in Poland face.

We also discussed the most common misconceptions about digitization, the impact of traceability on competitiveness, and strategies for implementing modern technologies.

See episode
Wywiad z Adrianem Stelmachem na temat automatyzacji i wdrożeń systemów IT

If you are interested in an interview, collaboration or inviting me to your podcast – email me!


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