B2B sales – know your customer’s needs

In the age of the ubiquitous subscription model and thousands of ads sent automatically, building trust is not a fad, it’s a necessity. How many times have you skipped an ad in your inbox because you knew the same message went to hundreds of others? Or worse, an offer seemed interesting to you, but after reading it, it turned out you didn’t need it at all?   

Check out what a good sales process should look like

B2B sales under the SAAS model  

From the moment the subscription model (SAAS) appeared on various streaming or cloud platforms, we began to get used to it and expect it in our professional lives. The comfort for users and the steady cashflow of companies selling under this model have contributed to its popularity on both sides of the purchase path. The SAAS model, however, results in the vendor not placing significant importance on product customization. The subscription model usually offers the same solution for a given amount, for everyone. Therefore, it is very common to lose that important element in front of the eyes, which is understanding the customer’s needs.  

Outdated methods  

Selling is everywhere. Whether we are on a date, at the market, or just arguing with a colleague, we are all negotiators of our own values and beliefs. Even being aware of this, we can’t get around the fact that human attention spans are getting smaller every year, and life is getting faster. After all, we no longer travel hundreds of kilometers to hand out a flyer or find out that, in fact, the customer has already made a decision.   

So, instead of wondering how much sense outdated methods make, just try to understand the customer. Think about his needs and ask what challenges he has. If you are unable to help him, elegantly withdraw, don’t waste his time, which, after all, also has an opportunity cost.   

Understanding individual needs  

The conversation with the customer should be conducted in such a way as to understand his challenges. What dilemmas he has and what he struggles with on a daily basis. If you have the key to his problem, which you additionally strongly believe in – offer a low-risk solution and invest in the relationship. Focus on customizing your offering. The more dedicated the solution, the more willing the customer will be to cooperate. So remember: to have a personalized solution, you must know and understand the customer’s needs.  

B2B sales in collaboration 

Sales, in its modern form, is not just a transaction, but above all the art of understanding the other person and creating value that will stand the test of time. In business, both B2C and B2B, the key to success is building long-term relationships based on trust, understanding and a common goal.  

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