IV BPM Symposium at CNTI at the University of Economics in Katowice.

Conducting a lecture and panel discussion.

On the occasion of the Week of New Technologies in the City of Science, I was asked as a lect urer at the 4th CNTI Business Process Management Symposium at the University of Economics in Katowice. During the meeting, we talked about purchasing processes for new technologies: how to properly model the process and not be fooled by hidden costs, and how to digitize wisely.

See coverage of the event

Green Industry Summit Conference

Participation in a panel discussion and the title of best software for the industry.

During the conference, I had the opportunity to participate as a speaker in the “green logistics” panel. The event allowed me to raise issues related to green transformation and the pursuit of a closed loop economy in industry and logistics.

See coverage of the event

Robotech Conference

A debate on MES 4.0: Data acquisition in the context of production genealogy in robotic machines.

I took part in one of the most important conferences on the Polish market in the field of robotics and new technologies. Its participants are professionals as well as people interested in the subject. I talked about the needs of data acquisition in robotic machines, as well as the idea of introducing an MES system and layered historization of quality and business signals.

See coverage of the event

New Industry Expo

Participation in a panel discussion.

During the New Industry Expo conference, I had the opportunity to lead a debate on Industry 4.0 in the automotive industry. The event’s agenda included a total of dozens of sessions, workshops and presentations.

See coverage of the event
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