System failure – key takeaways from the antivirus outage

The system failure caused by a global antivirus outage on July 19th resonated widely and created chaos—from airports to the banking sector. A software error led the program to mistakenly identify critical system files as threats, resulting in their deletion and the immobilization of many computers. This event has provided crucial insights and lessons for the future. Let’s take a closer look at this precedent to understand and remember how to avoid system failures.

System failure – Security procedures

This is why at explitia, we provide service support for MES-class software, planning systems, and product traceability systems to prevent system failures. After all, these systems are crucial for manufacturing plants.

Thanks to our service offerings, tools operate correctly, system failures do not occur, and the goal of selling the product is also to maintain a product history and document it for the benefit of the company and consumers.

What to avoid – Beware of security procedures

If a system fails, the manufacturing plant may be forced to halt production due to a lack of documentation. Therefore, to avoid failures, it is important to follow these procedures:

  1. Avoid uninformed updates that could worsen the performance of programs within the system.
  2. Ensure that the conditions for installing updates are correct.
  3. Do not neglect software testing – it is crucial for avoiding future system failures.
  4. First update the software in test environments, then proceed to production environments.
  5. Regularly back up data and entire applications at multiple levels – application, virtual machine, and server.
  6. Maintain battery power through UPS systems in case of power outages, and ensure redundancy, meaning additional machines ready to take over in case of server failure.


When one server burns out, having redundancy allows another server to take over its duties, just waiting for the moment to step in.

All these procedures are created solely for safety purposes, and their goal is to predict and prevent such system failures.

System failure from the user’s perspective

Different devices have different update and security requirements. The situation is different when it comes to the user and the computer they use.

An operator panel is different from a device such as a phone or tablet. In these cases, administrators decide when a particular update should take place.

The administrator takes responsibility, informing the user about the state of the device’s updates and whether everything is working as it should.

Several of explitia’s international clients were affected by the outage three weeks ago, but thanks to our efficiently operating service team, we were able to restore the solutions to working order very quickly.

The larger the organization, the greater the emphasis on having such “safety policies” – more advanced and multi-layered.

Important elements of preventing system failures

System failure – consequences

In the case of the recent antivirus failure, the consequences were quite serious because:

  1. The company’s stock value fell by several dozen percent, drastically reducing its market capitalization.
  2. Trust was diminished, as the bulletproof procedures that were supposed to work, in this case, failed.
  3. It caused concern among a broader audience, who realized how vulnerable various systems are.

As a result, a well-known company that merely provided the platform for the antivirus software was unfairly judged. Fortunately, the brand quickly clarified the cause of the problem, showing that they were not directly responsible for the situation and that the malfunction was not within their control.

The July antivirus outage highlighted the importance of proper security procedures and software testing. Adhering to strict rules for updates, backups, and redundancy can significantly minimize the risk of failures and ensure system continuity. Businesses must be prepared for various failure scenarios to respond quickly and effectively in critical situations.

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